Eastern Produce Kenya Ltd (EPK) is one of the biggest multinational producers of tea in Kenya,with tea estates centred in the beautiful Nandi Hills area, west of the Great Rift Valley. The equatorial climate, good soil conditions and fairly consistent rainfall mean that tea is produced throughout the year and is of a very high quality with well-rounded flavour. Through continuous investment in the land, factories and human resources, EPK produces some of the highest quality teas Kenya has to offer.
EPK tea estates comprise; Kibabet, Kapsumbeiwa, Kipkoimet, Kepchomo, Chemomi, Savani, Sitoi, Kaboswa*, Kipkeibon*, Siret*, Kaprachoge* and Kibwari*.
* Managed: on behalf of various local producers

Eastern Produce Kenya tea fields and factory in Nandi Hills
Eastern Produce Malawi Ltd (EPM) is the biggest single producer of tea in Malawi. Our operations are situated south west of Blantyre in the Thyolo district, and west of Blantyre in Mulanje District close to the Mozambique border. The tea harvesting season starts in December with the beginning of the rains and ends in May once temperatures begin to drop. Hot, rainy summers, cool winters, a pollution free environment on the edge of the majestic Mulanje mountain, and a maze of indigenous forests, provide a perfect area for tea growing. EPM tea estates comprise; Kasembereka, Mianga, Makwasa, Gotha, Esperanza, Glenorchy, Lauderdale, Likanga, Chisambo, Ruo, Limbuli, Mini Mini, Eldorado, Phwazi, Thornwood and Thornwood–TRF.

EPM tea estates with the majestic Mount Mulanje in the background